Monday, April 11, 2011

Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

Jean Piaget was a swiss psychologist. His father, Arthur Piaget, was a professor of medieval literature with an interest in local history.  His mother, Rebecca Jackson, was intelligent and energetic, but Jean found her a bit neurotic, an impression that he said led to his interest in psychology, but away from pathology!
He had a phd in biology at the university in his hometown (Neuchâtel). He published several articles about child psychology. He relied on the growth of their children to develop the theory of sensorimotor intelligence wich described the spontaneous development of a practical intelligence, based on action, which is formed from the emerging concepts that the child has about permanent objects of space, time and cause. Piaget established a series of successive stages in the development of intelligence:

  · Stage of sensorimotor intelligence
  · Stage of intuitive intelligence
  · Stage of concrete intellectual operations
  · Stage of abstract intellectual operations

I like Piaget because his theory about the development of intelligence is very origininal and interesting.

I agree with many of the points that he mentions. Also he links the cognitive-experimental, what really catches my attention.
I recommend reading a little about him. Besides his theory is based on the children, an area that I love. I love children!



  1. I chose Piaget too, which is fine because it means that he is actually very influential. Do you like educational area, too?

  2. Piaget is a master, his contribution is very important for the psychology, because with his ideas we can understand a little better the cognitive development.

  3. Ohhhh....
    I like your choice,
    I didn´t read about him,
    but he looks like a very interesting guy...

